Physical Address
304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124
Physical Address
304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124
The below is a recent post, made on Facebook…
47 years ago, a baby girl was born. Little did anyone know, (or would have understood), that baby girl was born with male physical characteristics. As a result, she was identified as a baby boy.
From the earliest point that she can remember (around 3), that little girl understood that she was female, but it wasn’t until she got a little older, that she realised that something had gone terribly wrong, and she’d been put into the body of a male.
Continued anguish, horror and attempted self removal of the wrong parts (at the age of 9) made the little girl a very troubled one, ignored by those that she told of her mismatch. By her late teens, she had ran away to sea in the hope of ridding herself of this strange phenomenon.
During her twenties, due to GP prescribed meds, she finally managed to suppress her feelings, and continued to live her life as ‘Terence’, as male. Although deeply unhappy, packets of pills kept her in check, but there were tremendous moments of happiness, such as the birth of her 3 children.
Fortunately, this girl couldn’t be kept away and 8 years ago, those feelings of being in the wrong body came back, once again.
Wind forwards to just before her 46th birthday, just 1 year ago, ‘Terence’ had made the choice to do what needed to be done and finally become the female that ‘he’ should always have been. ‘Terence’ finally revealed ‘Khloe’ and she opened up to people, including someone who would become a great friend and support. Khloe was (is) also guided by the most wonderful person and mentor, Jessica Quinn, who would become her best friend and partner.
So, apologies for the lengthy post, but this is my first ‘trans’ birthday and I am so happy to finally be myself, to be Khloe. I post this sort of thing, not for self promotion, but in the hope that I can help someone else that suffers from gender dysphoria and knows, not feels, that they were born in the wrong body. Don’t let anyone tell you that it’s easy; it’s not. It will cause hurt, heartache and pain, physically, mentally and emotionally, but being transgender is something to be proud of. Medically transitioning to the correct gender is about ‘you’ and it’s the greatest thing that you will ever do